Monday, August 31, 2009

Open House Successes

Last week I said I would post some Open House Successes that you share with me. Here are some that I got so far. 

Cheryl Munro:  I decided to have a "Fancy Pie Tasting Party" yesterday....Since I am still healing, I had lots of help! 19 people attended, 17 pies were brought! Sales were $350, cash and carry $200, 2 home shows booked BUT I had 10 people pay for my upcoming bus trip on 9/25-9/26! There were 2 new faces, which is awesome....MANY were impressed with the team spirit baskets....a couple of customers have not seen LB in a long time and they LOVE all the new items...The soup/sandwich plates were a hit!..the rest of the customers are waiting to order when we go on the bus...We had a great time!

Linda Cooper:  Had sales of over $1,000 and did very well with getting RSVP's and she had some new faces too.  She also got to show the new Team Spirit baskets and was able to get the new Wish Lists and September Flyers in her customers hands.

Paul McDaniel:  Had sales of $1,200 and Cash and Carry of $700 and booked 9 shows!

That's what I have so far.  Send me your success and i will add it here.  You can also make a comment as a way of sending me your results and I will post them too. 

I did just over $16,000 in sales and booked quite a few home shows.  That makes this Open House my 2nd best ver. Had quite a few new faces too.  That is REALLY important for me.  My Customers loved the new products but it's funny to see what some love and others don't.  I gave away a So Rachel Body Wash or Lotion for the customers that spent $100 or more.

Sold a lot of Chili Bowls and presold quite a few Soup and Sandwich Plates.  I also took orders on the Soap and Lotion so can get those in on September 1st.  I took advantage of the Cutting Board on line special and my customers were buying 2 and 3 of them at a time. It was also a last push on the Fancy Pie Basket and I took orders for the Bread Carrier basket for the On Line Special for Weds.  Was woking all angles of the business!

All in all it was a really good weekend. Now time to get ready for my next one which is the last weekend in October.

Let me know your successes!

1 comment:

americanspiritandfriends said...

Hey Benno! Congrats on a great year and your continued success. I'm blogging too and would love to exchange links with you. We need more Longaberger Bloggers and it's a great way for us to get the word out there. Give me the okay and I'll post your link on my site.

Cindy Goff BL Oregon